When a loved one dies, there are many decisions to be made. The three most important are
“How will we care for the deceased”; 2)
“How will we care for the needs of the family and those most closely affected by the death”; and 3)
“How will we allow others to show their love and support for us?”
Although many people believe that 90% of what a funeral home does is for the deceased, in reality it’s just the opposite. 90% of what we do at Strode is to help family and friends begin healing by creating ways to gather, celebrate, share, and support.
Families who choose cremation as the answer to the first question often need guidance regarding the next two questions: care of the family, and care of friends and the
The choice of cremating rather than whole-body burial is often the easiest choice, but the other choices deserve thoughtful consideration.
You can learn the basics below, however, if the content here raises additional questions for you,
please give us a call. One of our cremation specialists will address any of your inquiries or concerns.